Documentation Sheet of Built Heritage/Site N.M.M.A., Archaeological Survey of India for Vishnupada Complex-Main Temple
Hindu temples--India
Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude)
24° 46' 38.42", 85° 0' 33.32"
Brief history
Temple dates to the early medieval period as testified by sculptures and remaining inscriptions within the shrine. The structure standing today was constructed in the 18th century. In 19th and 20th centuries temple has gone through repairs, evidenced by a number of marble sculptures and inscriptions on the floor of the mandapa.
Local tradition
Gaya shraddha, place of pindadana and darshan
Chand Chaura
Topographical features
Top of the Mundaprishta hill on the western bank of the Phalgu across from the Sita Kunda
Active worship, pindadana and darshan
Temple has a sanctum sanctorum with a main eastern entrance and additional northern entrance. Octagonal sanctum houses a well built around the stone of the mount, in which a footprint attributed to Vishnu can be seen. There are also 12 new marble images here. It is made entirely of granite stone. Just outside eastern entrance there are two niches on each side. Two on northern side are occupied (devotee in a panel and eroded image of Vishnu?), one on the southern side (Ganesha). There are two chambers on northern and southern flank of the eastern entrance. Chamber on northern flank contains a Shiva linga, a Durga image (38-40”) with a south Indian inscription and two small figures (12”) of Ganesh and uncertain figure. Southern chamber was locked and seemed not in use. Eastern entrance leads to a sabha mandapa with 36 pillars (each styled as four pillars) and a second story balcony over mandapa on north, south, and east sides. Rectangular mandapa has a small shrine of stone.
Through Chand Chaura or north from Brahmasaror
Building materials
Railway station
Bus stand
Conservation assessment
Vishnupada Prabandhakarini Samiti Ilake Chaudahasaiya Gayapala; current head of committee is Shankaralala Pathak (Ghadiwala)
Present condition
Omeka identifier
Site number
Temple has a number of subsidiary small shrines, which have been documented as well. There are three large porticos/space for performing rituals on northern, southern, and eastern side of temple. It also has a courtyard of 16 pillars built over the exposed stone of the mount. New marble inscriptions have been installed in the last 100-150 years. Silver umbrella on top. Well surrounding vishnupad is plated in silver metal.
Protection status
Good, dispute between temple committee and religious board